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Crazy Heart with Photo

This block is foundation pieced in two sections, and each part can contain a photo transferred to or printed on fabric.
Use the method you like best for printing/transferring your photos to fabric. On my Links page are some links to sites which have more information on printing to fabric. Scroll down to Photos on Fabric almost at the bottom of the links page.

The block itself looks like this:
Crazy heart with photo on fabric

It can be set in different ways, a few examples are shown below.

Crazy heart light blue      Crazy blue heart with photos

Crazy hearts four blocks    Crazy heart in log cabin setting

Because the original templates were a little too big for the letter size paper (81/2" x 11"), I have split them up and distributed them on three pages instead of the original two. That is why there are two PDF files with templates, but you need only one of the template files. Choose the one that fits the paper you have got.
The instructions are in a separate file.

You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files. The program is free and can be downloaded here.

PDF file with instructions
PDF file with templates to print on letter size paper
PDF file with templates to print on legal size paper or A4

Make sure to print at 100% and that the "fit to page" option is not active when printing, or you will not get the exact size that goes with the cutting measurements.

If you want to make the block bigger or smaller, you can use the calculator here to calculate the correct size of your triangles for the square in square setting.

Extra bonus!! Kameleon Quilt no 4 'In My Heart'
- to all of you who have bought the pattern for the Kameleon Quilt no 4 .
The block can be combined with this pattern and substitute the inner heart with the six small flaps.

The Kameleon Quilt no 4 pattern can still be bought here.

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Copyright 2004 Eldrid Røyset Førde