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Pictures from the Kaleidokatt-quilt

Here I used photos of the recipients' cat combined with extracts of T.S.Eliot's poems about cats.
The photos were manipulated in different ways a using Corel Photo Paint, and then placed on a background and combined with text using Corel Draw.

Here are a couple of examples of original photo and picture ready to print:

original cat on windowsill silhouetted against the snow    cat and moon ready to print

In Photo Paint I used the Magic Wand to mask the lightest areas which were then removed(see picture below).
In Corel Draw I made a large blue rectangle as background, imported the photo, flipped it horisontally and placed it at the bottom of the page. The moon is made of two almost overlapping circles which were intersected and then filled with a yellow colour. A yellow rectangle was placed right behind the picture where the lightes parts of the windowsill had been removed, - and shines through to simulate reflection from the moon.
At last the text was written and positioned.

cat with light backgroudn removed

"Cat Villain"

This was based on a picture where the cat seemed to have a particularly vicious look in his eyes.
vicious looking cat, original    cat villain wanted, preferably alive

The lightest areas were again masked using the Magic Wand in Photo Paint, and removed, I then chose Effects, Edge Contour Detect to get the ink drawing effect. A blank picture was created and filled with Effects, Texture, Brick Wall, then saved and imported into Corel Draw. There I used the Power Clip effect to place the brickwall inside a rectangle, then imported the photo and placed at the bottom of the page. A rough-looking font was used for the "Wanted"-sign, and at last the text was written and positioned.

To read more about the actual printing on fabric, go to the Bubble Jet Set pages.

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