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Quilts with photos on fabric
Page 3 - Roses.

April - quilt med foto på stoff

37cm x 24 cm (2006)

A photo of a yellow rose was the starting point for this quilt.
Both the rose and the background was printed on a white fabric.
Quilted with gold metallic thread.
Ice Rose 1 and 2,
both approx. 40 cm x 37 cm (2007)

The two quilted wallhangings below each has a variation of the same photo of a rose combined with a photo of ice roses (ice crystals forming leaf like shapes on frosen windows). Photos printed on fabric and mounted on hand painted fabric. Quilted with invisible thread.
isrose1 - quilt med foto på stoff

isrose2 - quilt med foto på stoff

Patchwork Rose 1 og 2,
ca 23 cm x 51 cm (2007)

Starting point was the same rose photo as above, but digitally enhanced using one of the paint tools in the photo editing programme. The two wallhangings have the same rose motif, but combined with different backgrounds and different quilting.
patchworkrose1 - quilt med foto på stoff

patchworkrose2 - quilt med foto på stoff

Details of the quilts above.

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Photo Quilts Page 2

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